Areas of expertise

The projects Étude Économique Conseil (EEC Canada) carries out are in the fields of applied economics and management, and cover a broad range of sectors of activity.


With respect to management, Étude Économique Conseil (EEC Canada) has carried out work covering many fields including the following:

  • Strategic planning
  • Management, market, and financial planning studies, pricing policy, commercial strategy
  • Evaluation of supply and demand for key product/market pairs
  • Access or growth strategies in global and foreign-entry markets (exporting, acquisition, partnerships, mergers, direct investment)
  • Corporate restructuring or rehabilitation diagnostics
  • Privatisation of state-run enterprises
  • Human resources planning and development
  • Human resources management and remuneration systems, particularly in the public service
  • Organizational audit through independent internal surveys identifying the prevalence of contemporaneous sexual abuse
  • Negotiation support of various kinds for businesses
  • Study and implementation of general management systems, planning and development of specialised management systems
  • Understanding and analysis of public policies from the point of view of business management
  • Preparation of studies on behalf of business in relationship with public, regulatory, or judicial bodies
  • Institutional and organisational reviews (diagnosis, solution finding, implementation and monitoring for results)

Applied economics

With respect to applied economics, the firm’s true area of specialisation, EEC Canada has worked on projects in a large number of domains, including the following:

  • Measurement of socio-economic results (of organizations / institutions, programs, projects and policies)
  • Macro-economic frameworks and economic reform programs
  • Economic development strategy and planning
  • Governance
  • Industrial and commercial policy analysis
  • Agricultural policy and programs
  • Permanent and ad hoc statistics and database building: censuses, surveys, and polls
  • Sector studies
  • Value chain analysis
  • Innovation strategy
  • Gender-based analysis
  • National and regional economic profiles
  • Analysis and evaluation of regulatory frameworks
  • Investment and competition incentive frameworks
  • Legal reform with economic impacts
  • Investment planning
  • Public finance (taxation and expenditures)
  • Public debt (analysis, management, and strategy)
  • Urban planning and urbanisation policy
  • Design and evaluation of social policy
  • Design and evaluation of environmental protection policy and programs
  • Program evaluation
  • Pricing studies
  • Study of financial markets (banking, insurance, capital and equity markets) and their development, and of financing instruments and mechanisms
  • Economic and financial project analysis (cost-benefit analyses, feasibility studies, impact analyses)
  • Market studies and demand studies
  • Design of training programs (financial education, etc.)

Étude Économique Conseil (EEC Canada)